SETI at CAMRAS test data
This page contains SETI at CAMRAS data observed with the Dwingeloo Telescope.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. When re-using the data, please include a link to CAMRAS and this page.
More information on SETI at CAMRAS is available on
CAMRAS gitlab server
SETI Long Stare
Initial long stare to measure gain variation and RFI
when Dwingeloo Radio Telescope is pointed at either North Celestial Pole (NCP) or the so-called "show position" (30,30 AltAz).
The data serie consist of:
- Date/Time (UTC)
- Alt/Az
- RaDec
- Signal (not calibrated)
SETI DT temperature
DT Temperature
The data serie consist of: